About LARC

Business of business is no longer merely business with the integration of concepts such as sustainability and conservation into today’s businesses. Business organizations in today’s competitive marketplace have changed their focus from mere profit maximization to societal marketing aspects and conservation movements which are carried through as a part of business’ commitment towards sustainability. With this in mind, Lumbini Aquaria International embodied conservation endeavours to its business and initiated its conservation wing LARC (Lumbini Aquatic Resources Conservation) in 2017.

The Asseveration of the commitment of LARC towards a Sustainable Planet

Lumbini understands the value of giving back to the environment what it takes from it while fervently adhering to corporate ethics and sustainable business practices. Since our business has direct impact on the eco-system, we believe that conservation is not a luxury but a business imperative. We strive to work in collaboration with the local community by educating and engaging them in the aquatic ecosystem conservation since the process of harvest of ornamental fish disturbs the equilibrium of the aquatic ecosystem and can detrimentally affect the sustainable ornamental fish industry in the country. Hence, LARC is committed to mitigate the deleterious impact of the ornamental fish industry on the environment by making a responsible contribution towards a Sustainable Aquatic Ecosystem.

Objectives of LARC

LARC strives to conserve and ameliorate the aquatic ecosystem and aquatic biodiversity by initiating activities to minimize the pernicious activities that are adopted by the local ornamental fish industry as well as the commonalty such as,

  • Over-fishing.
  • Use of unwarranted methods in fishing.
  • Disposal of toxic aquarium water into natural water bodies.
  • Hobby fishing.
  • Wild catching of fish.
  • Disposal of imported alien fish species into the local water bodies.
  • Disposal of toxic water into water bodies

In our endeavor of conservation we hope to,

  • Educate divers and fishermen on less harmful methods of fishing
  • Introduce out-grows than wild catch
  • Conduct awareness campaigns on the importance of conservation of the aquatic ecosystem and aquatic biodiversity
  • Introduce and familiarize the standards for whale and dolphin watching
  • Support and encourage the traditional sustainable fishing methods
  • Campaign against industrial fishing
  • Support pressure groups to mitigate the impact of industrial water pollution
  • Publish books
  • Lobby for new legislations, guidelines to protect aquatic resources.
  • Introduce and undertake projects to conserve endangered aquatic species